

Hello, my name is Adrian Ahmad Al Zidan, usually people call me Adrian or sometimes they call me Zidan. You can choose which name you want to call me :>.

I am currently pursuing education or continuing my education to the Bachelor level at Pamulang University. There I took the Informatics Engineering study program, in Faculty of Computer Science.

I am also currently focusing on becoming a Web Developer, specifically a Frontend Developer. My goal is to become a Frontend Developer Expert.


Pamulang University

Informatics Engineering

2023 - Now

SMK Prima Unggul

Computer Networking Technology

2020 - 2023


FCOM Inti Teknologi

Information Technology Intern

Mei 2023 - Aug 2023

FCOM Inti Teknologi

Information Technology Intern

Sep 2022 - Dec 2022

PT. Jaya Konsultan Indonesia

Information Technology Intern

Feb 2022 - Mar 2022